Friday, November 10, 2006

Chapter 2

‘The death of the electric car’



In the past, the electric car was viewed as a futuristic solution to our air pollution, and to our over consumption of oil. But now that the dream of an electric car has become a reality, why does it still seem to be just a fantasy? General Motor actually came up with a decent eclectic car that could do 0-60mph in less than 8 seconds, with a top speed of 80mph, and has over a hundred mile range. In this article, it explained why the electric car didn’t take off as it was expected to. In a documentary entitled, “Who Killed the Electric Car”, Chris Paine, the maker of the film, blames the death of the electric car on “cynical and conspiring car makers and oil firms, as well as apathetic consumers and weak government and regulators”. Even though “weak government and regulators” and a part in the “demise of the eclectic car”, it was mostly due to the extremely limited customer acceptance of the car. Factors that were to blame for this were the price, the short lived batters, the heavy weight, and the “hideous appearance”, a comment that was made by Lindsay Tosh. Since electric cars were not taking off as they were expected to, companies like ford are promoting hybrid cars, cars that use both an electric motor and petrol engine, to conserve gas. The energy created from braking charges the battery for the motor in hybrid cars. But just like the electric car, “there are image problems for hybrid cars and a lack of incentive for people to move away from petrol-only cars”.

Relationship to Ch.2- Supply and Demand

This article relates to many topics covered in chapter 2, including supply and demand. Because there was hardly any demand for the electric car, supply and the price was affected. The relation between supply, demand, and the price are all interconnected. The low quantity demand for the cars gave it a higher price, because it would be more expensive to produce the cars in lesser quantities. Although hybrid and electric cars are an alternative to cars that use gas, isn’t high enough for consumers to start seriously thinking about switching. Oil is a still inelastic because there aren’t any good alternatives to it, electric and hybrid cars may save a couple dollars on gas, and it is more of an inconvenience to switch.


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